Easy handling of soft dough and ancient grains on Ryena

The Ryena line is a welcome addition when dough types consisting of soft wheat/rye or ancient grains are processed. Dough pieces without an intermediate proofing time are carefully transported on the belt rounding machine for further processing. Ryena is a solid and proven concept in continuous bakeries, compliant to the requirements of an highly automated production units.

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The use in automatic and continuous bakeries as well as for all types of dough that must be processed via a belt rounding machine.

Seeded loaves, ancient grains

The production of soft wheat/rye dough and combinations hereof as well as seeded loaves and dough made of ancient grains such as quinoa, dinkel, amaranth, spelt and many other types.

Low gluten content

Ryena is highly suitable for dough types that need to be processed without an intermediate proofing time and dough with a low gluten content.

Proven concept for artisan quality

Dough without an intermediate proofing time are carefully transported on the belt rounding machine before further processing. Highly dough friendly and weight accurate, the Ryena concept is a very solid concept that complies with all the requirements of an industrially automated production unit. The belt rounded gently guides the individual dough pieces from the divider to the moulder, so even dough with a low gluten content can stay in a constant shape and size.

Capacity for Ryena

max. 3,000 pcs/h

Dough weight range

500 - 2,400 gr

Example of Ryena bread line process

WP Haton, the leading brand in dough processing

We design and manufacture dough friendly dough processing equipment for automated bakeries to get the best bread out of the dough.